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Trigger Point Performance™ is a life-enhancing brand focused on empowering people with revolutionary methodologies and massage therapy tools that mirror the feeling of a human hand. Their mission is to provide the most practical style of post-sport therapy that can be understood by anyone in need of a lifestyle change, performance enhancement, or general wellness.

Guided by a passion for enhancing personal wellness, Trigger Point Performance has successfully become one of the leaders in at-home massage in the athletic, healthcare, and personal wellness markets.

The brand believes that incorporating Trigger Point Performance therapy into your daily routine can enhance performance, speed recovery time, and aid in injury prevention. You will find an assortment of therapeutic massage tools like anatomy-specific foam rollers, deep-tissue penetrating cold rollers, massage balls, as well as therapy guidebooks and DVDs.

Unlock your body’s inner strength with a little help from Trigger Point Performance.

TriggerPoint: Selected For You



$29.98MSRP: $34.99